Last night, I hosted my final Community Poetry Night as Cupertino Poet Laureate. I feel honored to have celebrated creativity with an amazing community.
What a gift I have received from all of you. Thank you.
If you weren't able to join us last night, you missed a beautiful gathering of community members, poets, and poetry supporters. Like my heart, the room was full.
Standing-room only is a wonderful problem to have at any poetry event!
I began the evening with a discussion of the poetry of winter and the holidays, and we were then treated to the soulful works of our invited readers and the poems of community members who shared during open mic.
If you took pictures, please share them with me! As the person at the front of the room, I rarely snap photos of my events!
I left the event on a true poet's high, excited for the new season that's about to arrive. Those who shared their work provided me with inspiration and food for contemplation. I left with the message to be on the lookout for poetry in unexpected places this winter and holiday.
I will miss serving as Poet Laureate. But my work in the community is not over. I will celebrate creativity and the deep well of creative genius that lives in us all with my continued work teaching and coaching in the community.
If you're interested in joining me at a future event, sign up for my newsletter!
Below is a list with links to the poems I shared last night. Do you have a favorite winter or holiday poem? Please share it with me!
Again, thank you to those who came out to celebrate in community with me last night.
And although my term won't end until early in 2020, thank you for making serving as CPL one of the most memorable experiences of my life.
Winter and Holiday Poetry Reading List
The Snow Fairy (Claude McKay)
White-Eyes (Mary Oliver)
Dust of Snow (Robert Frost)
The Snow Man (Wallace Stevens)
Winter Solstice Chant (Annie Finch)
Chanukah Lights Tonight (Steven Schneider)
The House of Christmas (GK Chesterton)
PS -- If you love poetry and the Cupertino community, consider applying to be the next Cupertino Poet Laureate! Applications are due January 10, 2020, by 5pm. Email me for more information or click here to apply!