During National Poetry Month, I'm celebrating by sharing poems from community members and newsletter subscribers!
If you'd like to participate, send me 1-3 poems along with a brief third-person bio and a recent photo if desired by 27 April 2023.
I'm thrilled to continue the celebration of poetry this week with a beautiful poem full of vivid and powerful imagery by Deborah LeFalle. This poem is taken from her gorgeous chapbook collection, Worthy. Enjoy!
from Worthy (2017) by Deborah LeFalle
After all the frost is gone
young fragile foliage
soft, leathery fern-like leaves
will sprout through dirt mounds.
Young fragile foliage
chalky gray-green appearance
will sprout through dirt mounds.
Stems resembling mini rods will forge upward.
Chalky gray-green appearance
buds will open – white, then pale yellow.
Stems resembling mini rods will forge upward.
They will delight in the springtime sun.
Buds will open – white, then pale yellow
at full maturity, spectacular gold.
They will delight in the springtime sun.
Ladybugs will fly in to explore.
At full maturity, spectacular gold –
butterflies will flit about in search of nectar.
Ladybugs will fly in to explore, and
dot gold crowns with red and black beads.
Butterflies will flit about in search of nectar
landing on plentiful flower clusters.
Gold crowns will be dotted with red and black beads.
Blooming will decline at summer’s end.
Flower clusters will be plentiful
but will lose their vibrancy come autumn.
Blooming will decline at summer’s end
and leaves will start fading and become limp.
Vibrancy will vanish come autumn
and flowers will need dead-heading as they dry out.
Leaves will start fading and become limp,
preparing Achillea to sleep through winter.
Flowers will need dead-heading as they dry out
and clumps will need cutting back to their base.
Achillea will sleep through winter
until all the frost is gone again.
About the poet:
Deborah LeFalle's writing journey began after retiring from successive 20-year careers in local government and post-secondary education. Beyond writing she enjoys being involved in the arts, researching her family’s past, and spending time outdoors communing with nature. Her work has appeared in various journals, magazines and anthologies; and she has authored two chapbooks (Little Suites and Worthy) and one full-length book of poetry. She lives a simple, gratitude-filled life in San Jose, California.
If you'd like to help celebrate poetry during April by sharing your words with the world, I'd love to have you participate! All you need to do is send me 1-3 poems along with a brief third-person bio and a recent photo if desired by 27 April 2023.
LeFalle's beautiful poem reflects her simple, gratitude-filled life.