The end of May through the end of June was a month of respite from all things blog related for me, but that also means I didn't post my publication updates as they came in--and it was a BIG MONTH for me!
Here's a quick review of some recent poetry successes from the end of May through the end of June:
FIRST PLACE in the Connecticut Poetry Award (and forthcoming publication in Connecticut River Review)
FIRST PLACE in Dream Quest's annual poetry contest
One poem accepted at Pedestal Magazine (published 6/22)
One poem accepted at West Trestle Review (forthcoming)
Two poems accepted at Jabberwock Review (Summer 2023)
One poem accepted at On the Seawall (forthcoming)
One poem accepted at Pine Hills Review (coming November 15, 2023)
One poem accepted at South Florida Poetry Journal (August 2023)
One poem accepted at The Muleskinner Journal (published 7/9)
Submitting is difficult because it takes time away from other (far more enjoyable!!) things AND it comes with a hefty dose of rejection (I recently read the average acceptance rate hovers around 1.0-1.5%), but I have found solace and inspiration in the words of others, and that's what keeps me going.
This year, I've pushed myself to submit--FAR MORE than I have ever done in the past. And since I believe in transparency, at the end of 2023, I'll be sharing what happened: my rejections, my acceptances, my strategies, my tools...
The world needs your words, too! Consider joining me on this crazy journey and submitting your work. Don't forget to let me know when you get the good news that your poem or prose piece is getting published!